
Helping Deutsche Telekom stay connected 24/7

In its first full year providing technical services to Deutsche Telekom, 亿宝彩票app achieved something that the customer has never experienced before – 0% 计划外停机 – an impressive achievement that gave the German population and emergency services unbroken internet and mobile connectivity in 2020, 这是最需要援助的一年.








One of the world’s leading integrated telecommunications companies, 德国电信(DTAG), provides mobile and internet infrastructure to the entire German population. Almost every person and company in the country, as well as the emergency services and armed forces, rely on this infrastructure to stay connected – 24/7, 一年365天. 

In 2019, 亿宝彩票app took over facility management of this highly complex system. The ten-year multi-facet contract covers facility and real estate management – and that includes the technical services that DTAG relies on to ensure the smooth functioning of its core business.

担任亿宝彩票app在德国的TFM总监, Michael Herbergs解释道, 在亿宝彩票app官网的第一年, 亿宝彩票app achieved something remarkable: 0% 计划外停机. 

“I’ve worked with DTAG in various roles for 48 years. In that time, I’ve never seen a year with 0% 计划外停机. Now, with the 亿宝彩票app and DTAG partnership, I have – and I want another one next year.” 

I've worked with DTAG in various roles for 48 years. In that time, I’ve never seen a year with 0% 计划外停机. Now, with the 亿宝彩票app and DTAG partnership, I have – and I want another one next year.

Michael Herbergs,国际空间站TFM主任


在德国, DTAG运行140,000个技术设备和8,500个站点, 包括数据中心, 信号塔和路由器. 来监控这个复杂的系统, 亿宝彩票app set up two Disturbance Management Centres – known in 德国 as SMCs. If anything goes wrong within the DTAG system, a Disturbance Manager is alerted. The alert could be anything from a door left open at a data centre to storm damage on a signal tower.  

In all, our SMCs received 1200万年 2020年的警报. Each one was assessed and, if necessary, a service team was sent to resolve the issue. This led to 60,000 service team site visits during the year. 尽管10,000 of these visits being outside of normal office hours, it took an average of just 30 minutes to get a service team onsite – an effort that’s recognised by DTAG. 

“亿宝彩票app SMC does an extraordinary job,” says a spokesperson from 权力 & 空气解决方案,德国电信. “All the challenges concerning our infrastructure have been sorted out immediately to avoid power failure. 非常感谢亿宝彩票app的出色表现.” 

All the challenges concerning our infrastructure have been sorted out immediately to avoid power failure. 非常感谢亿宝彩票app的出色表现.

权力 & Air Solutions spokesperson, Deutsche Telekom

这些数字令人印象深刻, 但就像国际空间站的其他操作一样, it’s the people behind the numbers that make the difference. 

Our teams are highly skilled, with many years of experience in the field. 三班制操作, they ensure there’s always a trained team ready to quickly tackle a task, whether it’s fixing a broken chiller at a data centre or scaling a 300-metre-tall signal tower to fix a loose part. This requires dedicated staff and an organisation that runs like clockwork, 特别是在暴风雨中, 洪水, heat waves or other incidents that can wreak havoc on even the most robust IT system.  

“When we talk about 0% 计划外停机, it sounds like the system is extremely robust. 确实如此. But ensuring this robustness requires comprehensive monitoring and fast reactions, so that we’re always on-hand to fix an issue before it becomes a problem,迈克尔解释道. 


Michael and his team know that the achievement 在亿宝彩票app官网的第一年 is only the beginning. The key is to repeat the feat next year – and to continue to improve. 

“For DTAG, reliability is essential to its business. DTAG will continue to improve and expand its infrastructure to support its customers’ growing communications needs. We must continue to grow and refine our organisation as well, to ensure we can keep it DTAG’s system functioning day and night, 一年365天.”  


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