AI’s Evolving Role in the Workplace


人工智能已经在改变许多企业的运营方式. 在未来几年,领导者应该为其对更广泛的职场体验的影响做好准备.

人工智能改变商业运营的潜力多年来一直是人们讨论的话题. But it is the rise of ChatGPT, 通过一些独特的应用程序为日常任务带来前所未有的创造性能力, 这推动了人工智能进入流行文化,并加速了它在组织战略方向上的作用.

Facility management is no exception; some of the greatest potential for advancements in workplace experience comes from AI’s integration into our work environments. In the coming years, as the understanding of its possibilities evolves, 企业可以期待人工智能触及工作场所的多个方面, 从我们如何构建和组织空间到我们如何促进员工的福祉.

The Current State

Since the launch of ChatGPT in the consumer world, AI’s applications for entertainment, education, and business have evolved quickly, 许多公司和初创公司定期发布新机型,以满足各种需求. From an industry perspective, its applications to the entire food supply chain are numerous, from agriculture to recipes and onwards to food waste management. In recent years, 研究人员开发了一种模型,可以评估冰箱里的食物,从而创造出实用的食谱, 包括必要的比例和做这顿饭的说明. On a larger scale, 多年来,食品公司一直在使用机器学习算法,以人脑无法比拟的速度和规模,创造新的配料和培育新的口味.

In agriculture, 人工智能和机器学习可以执行监控自动驾驶拖拉机等任务, controlling crop spraying, and collecting data to help farmers analyse their harvests. 也正是由于人工智能,水产养殖公司现在知道最佳的喂养时间表,以生产更健康的虾,同时减少30%的饲料使用.

In facility management, predictive maintenance ——或者利用技术实时监控和缓解工作场所设备故障——由于智能建筑的兴起和维护设备的数字化,这些技术已经发挥了重要作用. With the assistance of these digital tools, 设施管理人员为工人创造更安全和更健康的环境, as well as reduce waste and extend the lifespan of buildings.

人工智能应用的新例子每天都在出现. As workforces get upskilled, 随着技术在各行各业变得更容易获得,领导者可以期望提高生产率和加快决策速度.

A Better Experience for Everyone

The way we work has shifted, 让领导者找到混合接触点的正确组合,以同时推动生产力和文化. 在吸引和留住优秀员工方面最成功的企业会利用数据在每个接触点上策划出色的体验.

随着人工智能的应用越来越全面, 智能自动化和根据个人喜好量身定制的自适应工作空间将不仅仅是简化待办事项清单——它们将充当个人工作场所助手, 从管理日程安排到鼓励员工为了健康定期休息.

在一个我们越来越注重以技能为基础的招聘和培训的世界里, 人工智能将是一个关键工具,可以根据员工的兴趣为他们提供个性化的学习和技能提升建议, learning style, and long-term career goals. 随着工作场所变得更加注重协作和福祉, technology will not only make things more efficient, 但也给员工更多的机会来自动化重复的任务,并把更多的时间花在更高价值的工作上.

Effective Operations and Sustainability

A focus on sustainability is paramount for our planet. 随着企业追求可持续发展和净零排放, AI presents exciting opportunities to help achieve these goals. At present, by monitoring and adjusting energy systems in real time, 机器学习分析和优化建筑物和其他设施的能源消耗, helping to reduce waste, lower costs, and minimize the release of greenhouse gases. It also optimizes heating, cooling, or lighting based on factors like occupancy, weather, or employee preference.

As the technology develops, 领导者可以期待更复杂的方法来了解和减少他们的能源消耗. AI-powered energy management systems will become more prevalent, 让组织更有效地减少碳足迹. 该技术利用数据最大限度地提高资源效率的能力将有助于确定减少废物和回收利用的机会. Over time, as climate change becomes more impactful, 人工智能将使组织能够制定有针对性的战略,通过先进的建模和更准确的预测来适应不断变化的环境条件.

In addition to energy efficiency and carbon reduction, 人工智能很可能成为创新和更可持续的长期实践的驱动力.

A Responsible Approach to the Future

随着人工智能成为一种更常用的工具,确保道德和负责任的做法至关重要. 组织和政策制定者必须努力减轻算法偏见,支持透明度和个人隐私.

人工智能的广泛认知和可用性将有助于增强和塑造大部分劳动力的日常体验. With the right focus and strong regulations, 它可以对组织的生产力和实现其大胆的ESG承诺的能力产生重大影响.